In my CIS 231, Fundamentals of Computer Information Systems class, we were tasked with creating several fully functioning and quality websites as a team. We were tasked with creating a client website that functioned on multiple platforms and aligned with the Clients vision. We also had to create a team website that represented the team who created the client website. We were given different roles and my role was the Web Developer and Graphic Designer. As a Web Developer, I created the format and layout of the websites. As the Graphic Designer, I created most of the graphics and images for both websites.

Vision Quest
CIS 231: Fundamentals of Computer Information Systems
CIS 101: Intro to Personal Computing
Computer Information Systems as an academic and professional discipline. Principles and techniques of systems development life cycle. Development of digital student portfolios through prototyping and client-developer interactions. Information systems careers and emerging trends in the IS field.
Introduction to personal computing using personal computers and personal productivity software: Windows environment, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations. Problem solving using software packages adopted by the College of Business Administration
MHR 301: Principles of Management
MHR 318: Organizational Behavior
Survey of the history of management and review of significant management literature. Practical applications of management theories to problems in planning, organizing, and controlling business activity. Ethical considerations
Introductory experiences in the basics of organizational behavior. Emphasis is given to the application of scientific knowledge coming from different social sciences including psychology, social psychology, sociology, communications, political science and cultural anthropology to understand and manage human behavior in organizations. Topics discussed: individual differences, perception and attribution, diversity, organizational culture, motivation, leadership, power and conflict, teamwork, group behavior, and ethics as they apply to the management of contemporary organizations.
Hope & Wellness Clinical Trials, Inc is a clinical research provider in the Inland Empire. They deliver clinical research opportunities and solutions to participants and sponsors, and offer all study-related medical care and medications at no cost to qualified participants. Once accepted as a study participant, one can expect to meet their physicians personally during the study to develop the best possible physician-patient relationship